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Hi There!
I’m Priya Raut

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Throughout my life, I’ve approached every challenge with enthusiasm, creativity, and ceaseless desire to achieve success. This passion and drive have paved the way to countless opportunities, unique experiences and exceptional relationships both personally and professionally. If you’re interested in learning more about me, keep reading or get in touch.


I am actively looking for opportunity in Data Science or Data Analytics field as a Fresher.

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My Skill Set

Through my educational and professional experiences, I’ve had the opportunity to build a strong, diverse skill set that has proven to be an asset in many different situations. Read below to learn more.

Python Language

Python - Variables, Operator, Loops, Module, File, OOPS, Web Scrapping, Error handling, Flask, DBMS

Analytics With Python - Numpy, Pandas, Visualization

Machine Learning

EDA and preprocessing

Regression Algorithms - Linear Regression, Polynomial Regression, Ridge & Lasso Regression

Classification algorithms - Naive Bayes, KNN, Logistic Regression, Decision tree, Random Forest

Boosting - Adaptive, Gradient, XG boosting

Deep Learning

Neural Network Architecture,

Optimizer - Gradient descent, Stochastic gradient descent, Mini-batch gradient descent, AdaGrad, AdaDelta,  Adam

Activation functions - Linear, Sigmoid, Tanh, Softmax, Relu, Leaky-relu

Natural Language Processing

Text mining, Text preprocessing, Count Vectorization, TF- IDF.

Sequential Model - RRN model, LSTM model, GRU model

Business Meeting
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Educational Background

What I’ve Learned

BE (Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering)

July 2015 - July 2017

I have completed Bachelor's of engineering degree from Pune University in MITCOE Kothrud, Pune. My overall  progress percentage is 69.17%


Courses Taken:

1. Soft Computing                                           2. System programming and operating system   

3. Real Time Operating system.                   4. Computer Networks
5. Data structures and Algorithms               6.Object oriented programming
7.  Fundamentals of Computer programming

Diploma (Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering)

June 2012 - June 2014

I have completed Diploma in Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering from B. L. Patil Polytechnic, Khopoli. My percentage in diploma is 87.66%


Courses Taken:

1. 'C' language

2. Mathematics & Statistics

3. Microcontroller & Microprocessor


June 2010 - June 2011

Completed SSC from Janata Vidyalaya Khopoli School with 85.56%
1. Mathematics           2. Physics
3. English

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"Now is Perfect time to be Data Scientist"

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Juypter Notebook                      Spyder                                      Google Colab

Tensorflow                                 Keras                                        Scikit Leran

Pandas                                       Numpy                                      matplotlib                             Scipy

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Let’s Connect

I’d love to hear from you.

Address: 306, Shreeji Darshan Society, Sector-2A, Karanjade, Panvel - 410206.

Contact Number: 9975268464

Thanks for submitting!

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